Award Ceremony
North Park Theatre
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BIFF's Annual Awards Ceremony for Official Selections in Competition.
BIFF's Juried Award Categories Include:
Experimental Competition (Features + Shorts)
Animation Competition (Features + Shorts)
Narrative Feature Competition - Global
Narrative Feature Competition - Domestic
Documentary Feature Competition - Global
Documentary Feature Competition - Domestic
WNY Feature Competition (Narratives + Documentaries)
WNY Short Competition (Narratives + Documentaries)
Documentary Short - Global
Documentary Short - Domestic
Narrative Short - Global
Narrative Short - Domestic
WNY Student Film Competition
Additional Awards Include:
BIFF Audience Award – A balloted award voted on by BIFF audiences! Feature films only.
BIFF Boundary Breaker Award – Issued by the BIFF staff and awarded to a groundbreaking work.
The Tilke Hill W.i.P. Award – A grant supported by the WNY community and its larger public. A panel of film professionals and community members review applications and make selections.