Croquet, pâté, surveys, small dairies/big feelings, Big Slurps – BIG FUN!
Live mixing, bastardizing cultural treasures, and more! VJ Video Nasty brings you nothing but the hits. Nothing but the hits. Nothing but the mother#@&%in' hits... Nasty, nasty boys, don't ever change!
Video Nasty will preform at BIFF's BIG FUN party at Duende // Silo City from 9:30-10:30 PM!
Video Nasty was born in England in 1978 from the foul lying mouth of Mary Whitehouse. Bathed in blood and gore, Video Nasty’s mind controlled video collects all the most indelible imagery from film and media history into a steaming pile of flesh and excrement.
Croquet, pâté, surveys, small dairies/big feelings, Big Slurps – BIG FUN!
This party will be marvvvelous ... Kiki + Karaoke = heaven!
BIFF's Night Zero party is back at House of Charm! Psychic TV + New Wave listening party!