Screening w/ Filmmaker Q&A

Children of The Wicker Man

Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center

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Justin Hardy + Dominic Hardy + Chris Nunn (Dir), 86 minutes, UK, New York State Premiere

50 years on from the making of The Wicker Man (1973), director Robin Hardy’s lost papers come to filmmaker son Justin. Enlisting his brother Dominic, they journey to uncover the complex nature of the infamous production and their relationships with their father.

Justin’s view of the film is tainted because it robbed him of his father, his home and his mother too. Dominic is more distanced, his experience relating more to the film’s subsequent celebration and legendary status. The story of one of cinema's most famous cult classics and the maverick director behind it told by his forgotten sons.

  • Still from Children of The Wicker Man

    Still from Children of The Wicker Man

    Directed by: Justin Hardy, Dominic Hardy, and Chris Nunn

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