Still from Lovely Jackson
Directed by: Matt Waldeck
Lovely Jackson
Matt Waldeck (Dir), 104 minutes, USA, New York State Premiere
America's longest wrongfully held exonerated prisoner, Rickey Jackson, returns to the prison where his 39-year journey of survival began and guides his younger self from death row to freedom.
Mind of Moses
Korey Green (Dir), 10 minutes, USA, World Premiere
A war veteran suffering from PTSD is no longer considered a hero, but more so a criminal in modern day America
Still from Lovely Jackson
Directed by: Matt Waldeck
Still from Mind of Moses
Directed by: Korey Green
Seeking redemption? You’ve come to the right shorts block.
Read moreA woman is determined to claim ownership of daguerreotypes of her great-great-great grandfather, an enslaved man named Renty from Harvard.
Read moreNonfiction and narrative shorts that shine a light on race, (de)colonialism, and inequity in the US, Canada + sovereign Indigenous Nations.