Video from Restraint

Restraint (w/ State of Emergency Motherf*cker!)
Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center
Restraint, Adam Cushman (dir.), 95min, 2017
BIFF USA: Narrative Feature
Director Adam Cushman in attendance
A mentally ill women (Caitlyn Folley) struggles to suppress her violent impulses as she adapts to married life with her controlling husband (Dana Ashbrook of Twin Peaks) in Adam Cushman’s dark suburban thriller.
@ Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center – Monday, October 9, 6:45PM
Screening with:
State of Emergency Motherf*cker!, Sebastien Petretti (dir.), 6min, 2017
Two young middle eastern guys live with the daily hassle of police violence in this Belgin satire.
Still from Restraint