Screening w/ Filmmaker Q&A


Journey's End Cinema

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Set Hernandez (Dir), 87 minutes, USA, WNY Premiere

Director Set Hernandez and Star Pedro in attendance.

Most people dream of a better future. Pedro, an aspiring social worker, is no different. But as a blind, undocumented immigrant, Pedro faces political restrictions to obtain his college degree, secure a job in his field, and support his family. As he finally graduates, uncertainty looms over Pedro. What starts as a journey to provide mental health care for his community ultimately transforms into Pedro’s path towards his own healing.

Through experimental cinematography and sound, "unseen" reimagines the accessibility of cinema, while exploring the intersections of immigration, disability, and mental health.

Festivals: Hot Docs

This screening is presented in partnership with Journey's End WNY Refugee Film Festival.

  • Video from unseen

    Directed by: Set Hernandez

    Still from unseen

    Still from unseen

    Directed by: Set Hernandez

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